Aptus Tent Set Pro 6x50ml

£60.00 excl. tax



Aptus Tent Set Pro contains:

50 ml Regulator:
Regulator is a plant growth and flowering booster that aids processes and supports plant development. Regulator strengthens crops by regulating the absorption of nutrients and increasing dry matter content

50 ml Startbooster:
Startbooster is a complete and highly concentrated root and growth stimulator. Startbooster contains a mix of completely biological active ingredients that have a stimulating effect on the development of the root system and growth processes

50 ml Topbooster:
Topbooster is a combination of a flowering and maturation stimulator. Just like Startbooster, Topbooster is a concentrated product that contains multiple active ingredients that all have a stimulating effect on the flowering process.

50 ml P-Boost:
Plants in the blooming Phase have an increased demand for phosphorus. P-Boost contains phosphorus and left-turning amino acids. P-Boost is fully water-soluble and leaves no residues.

50 ml K-Boost:
Plants require more potassium during the maturation phase. Aptus K-Boost contains potassium (K) and left-turning amino acids. K-Boost is fully water-soluble and leaves no residue. K-Boost is an organo-mineral product that stands out for the bioavailability of the active ingredients.

50 ml CaMg-Boost:
CaMg-Boost is an organo-mineral plant booster that prevents Calcium (Ca) and Magnesium (Mg) deficiencies while stimulating powerful fruit set and development.